BYK-Gardner GmbH
Equipments detail
Equipment: BYK-Gard­ner Abra­sion Tester
Equipment Type: Instrument -> Test Instrument
Unit Type:
Technical Parameters:
Post Time: 2010-06-29
Main Features:
Description: The BYK-Gard­ner Abra­sion Tester helps eval­u­ate washa­bil­ity and abra­sion resis­tance of a mate­rial. The abra­sion tester recip­ro­cates a force lin­early over the sam­ple. Recip­ro­cat­ing lin­ear motion at 37.0 ±1 cycles per minute with a con­s­tant speed over a 10 inch travel Uti­l­izes a brush, sponge, or abra­sive paper to sim­u­late real life sit­u­a­tions that must meet sev­eral stan­dards Com­pletely enclosed elec­tri­cal and mechan­i­cal com­po­nents – for dry or wet test­ing Pre­set count-down coun­ter with auto­matic shut-off and stan­dard cycle coun­ter pro­vided for ver­satile test­ing Heavy-duty drive sys­tem allows for easy main­te­nance and a long-life Meets ASTM D 2486 The drive mech­anism con­sists of a gear­head motor driv­ing the motor drive pul­ley gear. The rotary motion of this gear drives a smaller gear, the chain drive pul­ley, using a tim­ing belt. The smaller gear drives a set of sprock­ets and cont­in­u­ous loop mech­anism. The cable pair ends are attached to the vir­tual cen­ter of the chain, trans­form­ing the rotary motion of the chain into the recip­ro­cat­ing lin­ear motion.
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