BYK-Gardner GmbH
Equipments detail
Equipment: Den­sity Cups
Equipment Type: Instrument -> Test Instrument
Unit Type:
Technical Parameters:
Post Time: 2010-06-29
Main Features:
Description: Den­sity is defined as weight per unit vol­ume at a spe­c­i­fied tem­per­a­ture. Den­sity cups are used for qual­ity con­trol because errors in paint com­po­si­tion will result in dif­fer­ent den­sity read­ings. Den­sity cups have also been described as liquid pyc­nome­ters. BYK-Gard­ner Den­sity cups use a cylin­dri­cal shape which pro­vides a large open­ing for easy filling, emp­ty­ing, and clean­ing. The tightly fitted stain­less steel cov­ers have an upward slope to a small hole in the cen­ter to allow excess sam­ple mate­rial to be expelled with­out entrap­ping air bub­bles, which increases accu­racy.
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